We’re an online language school. We want to educate young people so that they can reach their goals and discover new cultures from all over the world. We believe in eliminating barriers and making learning simple. You’ll have access to all our teaching material on our virtual campus, and will be able to join live classes with your teacher via videoconference. You’ll be part of a small group with personalised attention. Your teacher will monitor your progress and suggest changing groups if necessary. They’ll also give you extra material to improve in the areas you need to work on. We want you to have as much class time as possible to concentrate on your communication skills, so most reading and writing tasks will be set for homework. You’ll be completely immersed in the target language, as your teacher will be a native speaker and your classmates will be from different parts of the world.
لك دورات في حالة كنت طالب,او في قطاع الاعمال او مدير تنفيذي,او مسافر هنالك دورات الإنجليزية في بيتربورو لكل المستويات لكل الاعمار ولكل الاوقات فقط اختر نوع الدورةمن القائمة الاتي بالاسفل.