Spanish intensive courses - summer (A1, A2, B1)

Internationella Skolorna Barcelona


مواضيع الدرس

استماع, تحدث, لفظ, قراءة, كتابة, المفردات, قواعد بالإضافة ل الأنشطة

الجدول الزمني للصف

مدة الدورة
8-2 اسابيع
الدروس لكل أسبوع
20 دروس لكل اسبوع مدة كل درس 45 دقيقة
أيام الدروس
يوم الاثنين - الجمعة
العطل المدرسية
01 ماي 2025

المدرسة لا تعوض ايام مقابل هذه العطل، لذلك اختر بعناية موعد بدأ الدورة، المدرسة لا تقوم بعمل دروس بالعطلات الموضوعة اعلاه.

وقت الدرس

UTC 09:00 - UTC 10:30
UTC 11:00 - UTC 12:30
بعد ظهر اليوم الدورة
UTC 01:00 - UTC 02:30

الجدول الزمني للصف قد يتغير بناءا على توافر الدورة والمواسم

وصف الدرس

Join our immersive Spanish course designed for active participation, encompassing all language skills with a special emphasis on oral communication in everyday situations. Our goal is to cultivate a dynamic connection with the language, tailored to your individual proficiency. Immerse yourself in a secure and welcoming study environment featuring seasoned and passionate teachers who craft engaging and diverse lessons.

20 lessons per week

Each lesson is 45 minutes

Max 15 participants per group

Level A1-B1

Minimum age 18 years

'Whether you are a beginner eager to embark on your language journey, an intermediate learner looking to deepen your understanding, or an advanced speaker aspiring to achieve fluency in both speaking and writing Spanish, our intensive courses maintain a brisk pace of study. With a minimum of four 45-minute lessons per day, supplemented by homework, group activities, and real-life problem-solving tasks conducted in Spanish within the city, our program ensures an immersive and challenging learning experience.

A test is given at the end of each course. At the end of the course you will receive a certificate.

Information in English/Swedish

Pre-course documentation in Swedish/English will be provided, offering details about the course and your stay.

Introduction at the sve/eng/spa on the first day.

School staff speak English, Spanish, French, German and Swedish.

All teaching is in Spanish

Ability to borrow books and films in Spanish

Optional Activities: Explore a variety of engaging options, including cultural visits, city walks, sports and exercise, yoga and meditation, as well as hiking and forest bathing. Some activities are free of charge.

مستوى الصف

ما قبل المتوسطة
سوف تأخذ اختبار تحديد المستوى في اليوم الأول الخاص بك لتحديد مستوى الصف الخاص بك.

حجم الصف

متوسط 12 طلاب
الحد الأقصى 15 طلاب

سن الطالب

مدى العمر 18 سنوات او اكثر
متوسط 25 عام
بالصيف 22


سيتم إصدار شهادة الإتمام في نهاية الدورة.
اقرأ أكثر ...


  • طلاب بالمدرسة 1/38
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  • النشاطات المعروضة بالمدرسة 4/38
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  • النشاطات المعروضة بالمدرسة 6/38
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  • غرفة الدراسة بالمدرسة 8/38
  • الغرفة العامة بالمدرسة 9/38
  • طلاب بالمدرسة 10/38
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  • غرفة الدراسة بالمدرسة 13/38
  • City of برشلونة 14/38
  • طلاب بالمدرسة 15/38
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  • Internationella Skolorna Barcelona 17/38
  • غرفة الدراسة بالمدرسة 18/38
  • غرفة الدراسة بالمدرسة 19/38
  • طلاب بالمدرسة 20/38
  • City of برشلونة 21/38
  • النشاطات المعروضة بالمدرسة 22/38
  • النشاطات المعروضة بالمدرسة 23/38
  • الغرفة العامة بالمدرسة 24/38
  • طلاب بالمدرسة 25/38
  • النشاطات المعروضة بالمدرسة 26/38
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  • غرفة الدراسة بالمدرسة 34/38
  • غرفة الدراسة بالمدرسة 35/38
  • غرفة الدراسة بالمدرسة 36/38
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100% يوصي بها

اعتمادا على 9 تعقيبات
نجمات 5
نجمات 4
نجمات 3
1 نجمة
جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة

"The best opportunity I’ve been given"

Simon Kornfeld

I came to the school back in August 2022 for the Linneuniversitet course. Back then I had little to no knowledge of Spanish. From the very first day I felt very welcomed by Eva. She really put in effort and helped me with every question I had. Since I have dyslexia I was quite worried that the course would be tough for me but due to the fun ways of learning and all of the practical exercises I learned so much.

The administration helped me with my dyslexia letting me do test in new ways that was more fitted for me. I’ve never experienced that before and I’m so thankful. After the first course I went on to do the continuing course where I got a very close coursers learning experience. I became close friend with all of the teachers on the school. They all complete each other so well. I have learned so much from all of them. Not only lessons in Spanish but things I’ll take with me forever. My Spanish increasing with each week that past. Finally I took a third course, the COOP one. The level of professionalism increased and the topics that we talked about got more interesting. I’m thankful to have had Carlos taking his time to help us with our volunteer work yet to come.

Since I first stared on the school I’ve taken my Spanish form a A1 to a C1/2. Two years ago I would never belive that I would get to this point. I’ve gotten to experience so much, meet so many incredible people and learned a lot.

I will always be thankful to Eva and Omar and the rest of the ISBarcelona for giving me all of these opportunities and letting me go with this path of life

Will always recommend

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تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
84 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
21 Aug 2022 - 1 Apr 2024
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"Like a big, warm educative hug!"

Axel Johansson

I've taken four courses at Internationella Skolorna, starting with a summer course, at level A1 and ending with a spring course, level at level B1. The teachers and the staff are absolutely amazing! Attentive, caring, knowledgeable, approachable, funny and warm! They listen to your needs and help you with whatever questions you may have, be it something about the contents of the course, something about Spanish bureaucracy, or financial aid - they are there to help you and guide you.

My experience is a mixed bag varying from basic-level courses to full-time university courses where you really had to dig in. No matter the type of course the teachers adapt and give everything they can to fulfill your expectations. The spread of this school is incredible! One day you could be learning grammar and conjugation in the form of dance and rhythm on the terrace, to another day biting into a play by Lorca, dissecting the symbolic meaning of blinds, meanwhile in between those two classes, perhaps dress up for a bit of role-play and sketch writing, practising pronunciation! Incredible!

The school also arranges excursions to museums, nearby parks, historic sites, and even other towns and cities around Barcelona! The location is great if a bit noisy with Via Laietana being one of the main streets for strikes, protests, and eternal road construction. You can easily walk or bike here, or catch a bus or the nearby metro. I spent nearly three years at Internationella Skolorna and I can't recommend it enough. My Spanish improved tenfold and I made friends for life.

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جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
150 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
1 Jun 2020 - 21 Apr 2023
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"One of the best times in my life was when i were studying at the school"

Sanny Carlsson

First of all, my time at the school , autumn 2007 " Spanska i Praktiken " were the best time in my life. I got to know so many cool pepeople at the school and the teachers were amazing. The atmosphere is warm among students and teachers. There is a William to learn from both students and teachers. The school is located in the city. Metro is near and the Streets where the school is, Via Laietana is one of my favourite Streets in Barcelona. The street is large. It would take you to the harbour and up to the city. The school facilities are fresh and it's over all high standard. At the terrace u can study hang out and look at the city view.

Since my time 2007 i've recommend several students to go there. It's a life experience. Omar and Eva makes you feel that your part of the family. They see each students as individuals and your not only students there, it's a beginning to life long friendship.

I had the time of my life there and got friends for life. I still have contact with a few of them students from class of 2007.

That's sats all! Lots of love / Sanny from Sweden

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جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
22 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
15 Jul 2007 - 21 Dec 2007
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"It was an amazing experience!"

Alexander Emanuel Ekström

To attend classes on Internationella skolorna in Barcelona was an absolute pleasure, such a heart warming, openminded and loving environment, teachers where really good, funny and making me walk in and out of classes with a big smile, weekly field trips which was amazing to be able to connect on a deeper level with the classmates, teachers, people and city and of course the administration of the school was top class.

In short a couple of courses made me not knowing one single sentence to be able to get a Spanish speaking job and stay in Spain for years to come.

Thank you for everything,

Jai Ram!

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جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
52 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
1 Sep 2016 - 1 Sep 2017
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"8 weeks at IS Barcelona school - gave memories for life"

Ralph Svensson

I joined a combined course ot beginner spanish and Yoga during 8 weeks. The classes in spanish was very well structured and all lessons where in spanish. The teachers where fantastic (rating 5 out of 5), very motivated to learn us struggeling beginners a broad flavour of grammatics and new words that can be used in daily life in Spain. I learned a lot during these 8 weeks and I got a really good base to stand on ! The Yoga was also great, with fantastic and highly motivated yoga teachers (5 out of 5). I was a less beginner in yoga as I where in the spanish language, but nevertheless I was fairly unskilled also in this disipline but I learned a lot and became much more comfortable in various executions and also more motivated to continue with Yoga coming back to daily life in Sweden. It's good for and old body of 65 !

The location is in the centre of Barcelona in a very nice building on the 6th floor. The best thing with the locations is the terrace with wide view over parts of Barcelona. A terrace which was used for small breaks, lunch breaks and sometimes also for Yoga lessons. There is a small kitchen with a few microwaves and a refrigerator.

The facilities for the spanish lessons was was in 5 different rooms, well prepared for language courses. The Yoga facility was located on the 3rd floor in a cosy and charming yoga studio.

Every two weeks on friday, we had activities as sisgtseeing in Barcelona and volleyball at the beach, which was very appreciated and great fun.

I had 8 fantastic weeks with my lovely class mates, with the increadible teachers, the great admin staf, who all made the combined Spanish and Yoga course to become a great memory for life and a platform to further develop my skills in spanish and Yoga. I can only say thanks or Gracias !

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جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
7 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
2 Apr 2024 - 24 May 2024
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"A lifetime memory very competent teacher in a nice and friendly atmosphere."

Kristina Svensson

The school in Barcelona is very nicely located in the heart of the city. The view from the térreas is fantastic. The way the teachers are acting’s is super in many ways. Very pedagogical a lot of playfulness and they are using the hole body to make us understand the Spanish language. We stayed in Barceloneta works perfectly no problem to walk to school. Quite high tempo at the lessons and we have to do som homework almost every day. I didn’t know any Spanish before and this week’s gave me a good start. Our class was the best and we get very well along. I do not regret my time at the school in Barcelona.

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جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
7 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
1 Apr 2024 - 24 May 2024
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"Very good and satisfied. The experience that I got was amazing. And the teachers were good, not only on education but also in practical learning. You've got the learn how to actually speak among people and how yo use the verbs."


I liked that they focused on the practical and spoke Spanish with us. It was allmost 99% Spanish and a very very few words in English when nobody understand the Spanish word. I think the school should focus more on intercambio or learning cafes so we could speak with people in spanish. They did so but I would more of it.

The teachers should skip the books and focus on their own material because the book material was not so good in my opinion.

You should focus that the student will work on writing and have seminars on a topic in a Spanish they know so you can se improvementas.

Also you should have "late" nights or extra Spanish lessons or lectures for those who have reading of writing difficulties.

I general i was very happy with the education. I've learned so much and so fast and short of time. The teachers and principal Omar Ceron was very helpful and helped me alot.

Marcel was one of the best teachers I ever met, and Rossi was good as well.

Good luck with you school

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جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
18 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
21 Jan 2018 - 31 May 2018
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"A wonderful experience I hold very dear to my heart!"

Anna Saarinen

I loved the classes, students and teachers. I not only learned spanish very well, I also got friends for life and I still miss the lovely teachers Malú, Marcel and Rosi!! I had the best time. Great location and facility, classes were fun and educational, teachers and staff were warm and welcoming. I’m very grateful for my time there and I would recommend it to anyone!!!

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جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
8 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
1 Jun 2021 - 31 Jul 2021
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omar ceron, Director at Internationella Skolorna Barcelona responded to this review.
27 May 2024

Thank you for your kind message! We are glad you had a good experience with us. Malú, Marcel, and Rosi will be happy to hear you remember them.

Your feedback means a lot to us. Thank you for being part of our community. We hope to see you again and wish you all the best in your Spanish journey.


Erik Bomgren

I really liked the school and concept overall. All the teachers and principals were really helpful and listened to all your needs.
The teachers made the classes funny and interesting and I learned a lot of Spanish but also about the Spanish culture and history. The principals helped me a lot with things outside the school as well, I could always go to them when I had a problem.
In my class we used to have small trips in the city and also outside the city which was great because we spoke Spanish with Spanish people and the group got to know each other better as well. I would recommend this school to everybody as the experience was really great!

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تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
79 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
6 Jun 2023 - 16 Dec 2024
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
omar ceron, Director at Internationella Skolorna Barcelona responded to this review.
27 May 2024

We are absolutely thrilled to hear your wonderful feedback! We are so happy to hear that you enjoyed your time at our school and found the experience enriching. It's fantastic to know that our teachers and principals were able to assist you both inside and outside the classroom, making your learning journey enjoyable and comprehensive. We're especially happy that you appreciated the blend of Spanish language learning with cultural immersion through city trips and interactions with locals. Your kind words and recommendation mean a lot to us. We're thrilled to have been a part of your learning adventure and hope to welcome more students who can benefit from our programs as you did. Thank you once again for sharing your positive experience!


خدمة التأشيرات

نحن لا نستطيع الحصول على تأشيرات نيابة عن الطلاب. ومع ذلك، يمكن للمدرسة ان تورد لكم جميع الوثائق التي تحتاجها لدعم طلب التأشيرة.

جواب القبول الخاص بك سوف يتم ارساله الى عنوان منزلك بالبريد العادي بدون رسوم إضافية منك.

الرحلات الجوية ونقل المطار

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to برشلونة based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

التأمين على السفر

الدراسة بالخارج خالية من القلق مع التغطية التأمينية للصحة والتأثيرات الشخصية مع العالمية للغة.عندما تحجز دورة معنا. يمكنك ان تختار شراء خطة التأمين الدولية التي تغطي ليس فقط تكلفة الرعاية الخاصة بك ولكن أيضا فقدان ممتلكاتك الشخصية .يجب عليك حجز التأمين مقدما عند التسجيل.

معرفة المزيد حول خطة التأمين لدينا »

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الأسئلة & الإجابات

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