Medical English Group Classes

Polyglot Education Center


مواضيع الدرس

استماع, تحدث, قراءة, كتابة, المفردات بالإضافة ل قواعد

الجدول الزمني للصف

مدة الدورة
8-2 اسابيع
تواريخ البدء
كل يوم الاثنين الأول من الشهر
الدروس لكل أسبوع
درسين لكل اسبوع مدة كل درس 120 دقيقة
أيام الدروس
يوم الاثنين - الأحد

وقت الدرس

UTC 09:00 - UTC 11:00
UTC 05:00 - UTC 07:00

الجدول الزمني للصف قد يتغير بناءا على توافر الدورة والمواسم

وصف الدرس

Medical English is a course for doctors and medical students who need to communicate with patients in English. Medical English focuses on the language and communication skills that doctors need to make consultations more effective, using five elements of good communication: verbal communication, active listening, voice management, non-verbal communication and cultural awareness. The course teaches learners how to sensitively handle a range of situations such as taking a patient history and breaking bad news, as well as preparing doctors for dealing with different types of patients from children to the elderly. The course demonstrates the impact of good communication on the doctor-patient relationship and enables students to become confident and effective practitioners in English.

مستوى الصف

ما قبل المتوسطة
متوسط أعلى
سوف تأخذ اختبار تحديد المستوى في اليوم الأول الخاص بك لتحديد مستوى الصف الخاص بك. تستطيع أن تخوضهذا الامتحان قبل وصولك في region !

حجم الصف

متوسط 6 طلاب
الحد الأقصى 8 طلاب

سن الطالب

مدى العمر 16 - اعوام60لسن
متوسط اعوام25لسن


سيتم إصدار شهادة الإتمام في نهاية الدورة.
اقرأ أكثر ...


  • طلاب بالمدرسة 1/19
  • طلاب بالمدرسة 2/19
  • المعلمين والطاقم بالمدرسة 3/19
  • طلاب بالمدرسة 4/19
  • طلاب بالمدرسة 5/19
  • طلاب بالمدرسة 6/19
  • Classes at Polyglot Education Center 7/19
  • حصص ١ الى ١ بالمدرسة 8/19
  • Classes at Polyglot Education Center 9/19
  • Classes at Polyglot Education Center 10/19
  • Classes at Polyglot Education Center 11/19
  • Classes at Polyglot Education Center 12/19
  • Classes at Polyglot Education Center 13/19
  • Classes at Polyglot Education Center 14/19
  • طلاب بالمدرسة 15/19
  • Classes at Polyglot Education Center 16/19
  • Classes at Polyglot Education Center 17/19
  • Classes at Polyglot Education Center 18/19
  • طلاب بالمدرسة 19/19


100% يوصي بها

اعتمادا على 13 تعقيبات
نجمات 5
نجمات 4
نجمات 3
1 نجمة
جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة

"It was good"

Monika Fuchs, الطالب من أرمينيا

the teacher is really very flexible and helpful. I apreciate the teacher and can recommend her.

with kind regards

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
مدة الدراسة
7 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
16 Oct 2023 - 8 Dec 2023
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"Very good teachers and flexible appointment scheduling"

Willi Köhler, الطالب من ألمانيا

I had a lot of fun learning Armenian. My teacher was really nice and got me a lot closer to speaking Armenian.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
7 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
5 Dec 2022 - 27 Jan 2023
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.
Polyglot education center, team at Polyglot Education Center responded to this review.
09 February 2023

Thank you Willi for your review.
This is very important for us

"It is great"

Alexia Gamba, الطالب من أرمينيا

The teacher is good and kind, the classes are going well. The teacher is flexible in case of unexpected.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
3 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
19 Sep 2022 - 14 Oct 2022
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"A school that adapts to your desires and is qualified"

Sharlotte Siegenthaler, الطالب من أفغانستان

Very flexible. I received teaching with Skype.They adapt to my desire, also with the frequency of lessons. respond to the wishes of me as a customer. Very friendly staff. Qualified in different languages.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
25 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
26 Aug 2019 - 21 Feb 2020
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"Great experience, highly professional & flexible staff able to customise the language teaching style to personal needs!"

Armen Malkhasyan

Eleonora has been my best German teacher so far. She has managed to accommodate her schedule to my oversees working time so that we could have arranged evening classes over Skype. She has been very demanding in terms of teaching and assignments owing to which I have managed to gain B1 level very quickly and now continue my individual classes for B2 level. Highly recommended for anyone who is committed to advance the language skills in a timely and efficient fashion.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
154 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
15 Mar 2016 - 1 Mar 2019
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
Elya Voskanyan, Director at Polyglot Education Center responded to this review.
01 March 2019

We are very thankful for your high appreciation and trust
We do hope that do our best to provide quality education together with our devotion and effort
Thank you once again for your time and trust.

"Amazing experience"

Lida Gevoryan

I like everything about this school. The teacher's skills are great, she can explain anything.The location of the school is also good, I can easily get there by any means of transport. Beginner lessons are very good, we can easily dive into the learning process thanks to a well-chosen textbook. In less than two months, I learned much more than I hoped. Every time I look forward to new lessons and, accordingly, new knowledge.

I will definitely recommend this institution to anyone who wants to learn German or another language.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
6 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
14 Jan 2019 - 27 Feb 2019
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
Elya, Director at Polyglot Education Center responded to this review.
27 February 2019

We are very thankful for your high appreciation and trust
We do hope that do our best to provide quality education together with our devotion and effort
Thank you once again for your time and trust.

"I got a lot of knowledge and continued to attend"

Armine Davtyan

Professional specialists, individual approach to each

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
21 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
1 Oct 2018 - 25 Feb 2019
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
Elya Voskanyan, Director at Polyglot Education Center responded to this review.
25 February 2019

We are very thankful for your high appreciation and trust
We do hope that do our best to provide quality education together with our devotion and effort
Thank you once again for your time and trust.

"The best one"


This school is the best one. The price is very good for Armenia. Teachers have personal approaches for each student. I'm doing online lessons and quality of the lessons is very high.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
66 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
15 Nov 2017 - 25 Feb 2019
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
Elya, Director at Polyglot Education Center responded to this review.
25 February 2019

We are very thankful for your high appreciation and trust
We do hope that do our best to provide quality education together with our devotion and effort
Thank you once again for your time and trust.

"I am very satisfied"

Ani Avagyan

They have a good Plan and the teachers are professional

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
66 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
7 Jan 2016 - 19 Apr 2017
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
Elya Voskanyan, Director at Polyglot Education Center responded to this review.
24 February 2019

We are very thankful for your high appreciation and trust
We do hope that do our best to provide quality education together with our devotion and effort
Thank you once again for your time and trust.

"Developing language skills in a perfect learning environment"

Mari Mkhitaryan

I have started to take classes in Polyglot Education Center from September 2018. I was a beginner in German and didn’t know even a word before taking the course. However, currently, I am enrolled in a A2 level course. I have intentions to continue study in this center and even though take other language courses as I am fascinated by the professionality of the staff and I adore the learning enviroment there. Although I am in a group course, the teacher always shows an individual approach to everyone in the group and is ready to give additional information when needed. She always motivates us and gives advice.

Which regards to the facilities, the center constantly updates its facilities to make the learning process easier and comfortable. However, it may need expansion of the place, as the number of its students is increasing day by day. Location is a little bit difficult to find, when you first go there. However, local people do not have difficulties to find it. It is near to my place, so it saves a lot of time to get there. The tuition fees are affordable and the center provides even more than it costs. I have already recommended it to my friends and continue doing so even after.

In other words, I would say that center helps me to develop both professionally and personally. In addition to studying a new language, I receive more and more information about different things every day. They teach us the culture, the living way of German people and share their personal experience with us. The center makes me believe that I can achieve my goal and continue my studies abroad. I am really thankful.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
23 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
10 Sep 2018 - 24 Feb 2019
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
Elya Voskanyan, Director at Polyglot Education Center responded to this review.
24 February 2019

We are very thankful for your high appreciation and trust
We do hope that do our best to provide quality education together with our devotion and effort
Thank you once again for your time and trust.

"I've been learning German in an amazing academic atmosphere full of experienced and caring teachers."

Narek Shamamyan

I have been learning German in Polyglot Educational center for already 6 months. One thing that I absolutely love about learning in Polyglot center is the high quality of teaching. My teacher, Marine Semerjyan, started speaking German with me from the first day of learning, so I had no other way than trying to speak the language immediately. Learning with her is fun because besides taking care of every single student and never letting someone out of the group discussions, she also comes up with different games to make learning vocabulary and grammar even more enjoyable.

The location of the center is pretty comfortable for me because it is very close to a Metro station. It takes me about 15-20 minutes to get there from my university. Another thing, that is somehow really exclusive in Polyglot center is the monthly tuition. It is 3 times lower than in an ordinary language center. This proves the fact that the teachers do not work for money there and teaching is indeed their passion.

Recently Polyglot center replenished its housing with new furniture, which of course does not change anything in the learning process, but makes it more pleasant. The only thing that I did not like about the center is that sometimes it was cold in the winter, and we had to sit in classes with our coats on.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
25 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
1 Sep 2018 - 24 Feb 2019
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
Elya Voskanyan, Director at Polyglot Education Center responded to this review.
24 February 2019

We are very thankful for your high appreciation and trust
We do hope that do our best to provide quality education together with our devotion and effort
Thank you once again for your time and trust.

"Happiness is every day learn something new with Polyglot !"

Areg Chalabyan

I started my study with my husband in october in 2017 ,we both are working ,but in Polyglot Elya find for us right time ! The lesson was so interesting ,exited ,that time flys so fast ,even after hard working day we feel us full of energy on our german lessons! We made all types of language exercises ,the education here is very productive ,price is very good ,and atmosphere is great. I advised to my cousin also come to polyglot for learning english ( she works in tourism sphere and need to speak english very well) ,she comes with her friend from the beginning of the year ,and now she is so satisfied . Know i prepared my baggage for flying ,with Elya's help I arrange about 3 month practice in Hamburg UKE Eppendorf clinic ,and last month she teach me professional language to making my adaptation period shorter and easier.I can long wright about Polyglot education center ,for my it'a way to bright future ! Good luck for all beginners !

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
72 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
2 Oct 2017 - 24 Feb 2019
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
Elya Voskanyan, Director at Polyglot Education Center responded to this review.
24 February 2019

We are very thankful for your high appreciation and trust
We do hope that do our best to provide quality education together with our devotion and effort
Thank you once again for your time and trust.

"All is perfect"


If you need perfect English and not only come here.Professionalism,high quality and great atmosphere.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
78 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
8 Jun 2017 - 11 Dec 2018
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
Elya Voskanyan, Director at Polyglot Education Center responded to this review.
24 February 2019

We are very thankful for your high appreciation and trust
We do hope that do our best to provide quality education together with our devotion and effort
Thank you once again for your time and trust.


خدمة التأشيرات

نحن لا نستطيع الحصول على تأشيرات نيابة عن الطلاب. ومع ذلك، يمكن للمدرسة ان تورد لكم جميع الوثائق التي تحتاجها لدعم طلب التأشيرة.

جواب القبول الخاص بك سوف يتم ارساله الى عنوان منزلك بالبريد العادي بدون رسوم إضافية منك.

الرحلات الجوية ونقل المطار

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to يريفان based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

التأمين على السفر

الدراسة بالخارج خالية من القلق مع التغطية التأمينية للصحة والتأثيرات الشخصية مع العالمية للغة.عندما تحجز دورة معنا. يمكنك ان تختار شراء خطة التأمين الدولية التي تغطي ليس فقط تكلفة الرعاية الخاصة بك ولكن أيضا فقدان ممتلكاتك الشخصية .يجب عليك حجز التأمين مقدما عند التسجيل.

معرفة المزيد حول خطة التأمين لدينا »

اقرأ أكثر ...

الأسئلة & الإجابات

هل لديك أسئلة؟ احصل على إجابات من مستشارينا للطلاب, موظفي ‪Polyglot Education Center‬ والطلاب السابقين.

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